PSMReborn PSMReborn
Math Swatter (NPNA00244)


Math Swatter is a fun, educational game based around tapping the fly that holds the correct answer to the given equation. Players are given a set amount of lives, one of which is taken away upon the selection of an incorrect answer. Game obstacles include hornets and spiders, both of which appear as the game progresses.
Answer 5 questions correctly in row and gain a Golden Fly. Golden Fly mode is activated when the player collects 3 Golden Flies. In this mode, players are able to gain points more rapidly by tapping the flies as they fill the screen.
- 1st grade, addition and subtraction
- 2nd grade, addition and subtraction
- 3rd grade, multiplication and division
- 4th grade, multiplication and division
- 5th grade, multiplicaiton/divsion/addition/subtraction

Package size: 62 MB - More storage space required for install

Compatibility information:
Number of players for local play: 1 Player

Supported interfaces/sensors
- Touchscreen
- Controller / On-screen controller

Supported languages:
English(United States)

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NoPsmDrm License
Decrypted Files (For Simulator)